Friday, October 20, 2006
What's a Killer to Do?
It fell and landed in a Canon bubblejet printer. Despite search efforts (turning the printer upside-down and shaking it—so not advisable!), its body could not be found.
Now what's a killer to do? You tell me. But I'll probably need to use the printer... soon.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Learn Engrish with the Zuiikin Gals
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Friday the 13th
Today, Friday the 13th, was a surreal day.
Part One
It started in my sleep. Still in a state of confused bio-rhythms, my afternoon dream saw me at a new job with Clara, a colleague from my old ad agency. Since she works for Integricity now, I guess I was working for Integricity too. The building we were in was like an apartment block, located on a hill. We occupied a few rooms on several consecutive floors. I was having conversations with a few people, getting to know the business and all; nothing terribly important. But then, out of the fogginess of my head, I heard my phone ring. Grrrrrr.
"Hellooo…" I groaned.
"Hey Lennie, I need you to edit an article." It was Rachel. "It’s going up today. Can ah?"
"Oh my God, are you still sleeping?" (It was
"Arrrrrrrrhh. Yessssss."
"I sent you a message earlier."
"You know, sleeping people don’t read messages," I mumbled.
"Oh. Nevermind la. So can? Edit ah? Faster! Okay, bye!"
Click. Toot. Toot. Toot. Toot.
In a minute, my dream went poof! But it left an impression. I realised that for today at least, I actually missed working with Clara. She’s super efficient, mind you.
So after dragging my feet out of bed, I went online. In a few minutes, an MSN window popped up.
Clara says:
Clara says:
clairvoyant siew lian
Clara says:
my colleague just messaged me
Clara says:
he said he got your resume through a friend
Clara says:
for the times when we need a copywriter
Clara says:
so maybe
Clara says:
one day we'll move to a place on a hill
Clara says:
and you'll be with us then
Muahaha. How utterly fascinating!
Part Two
I have been wanting to busk in KLCC’s LRT station for some time now. These past few nights, while my parents are in bed, I’ve been trying to memorise and practise Cyndi Lauper’s ‘Time After Time’. I don’t particularly like it, but it seems to be quite a popular cover song.
I have also been meaning to ask my CG member, Syn Yan, about the buskers at KLCC. She takes the LRT there every working day. Today, since I was fetching her to CG, I finally remembered to ask her about it.
And that’s how I learnt that on this very day, Friday the 13th, Star Metro featured a story on the buskers. (Which I should go read.) Apparently they earn RM40 to RM50 on average daily. With a little luck, perhaps I can earn more.
But Syn Yan wanted to point out something else.
"I don’t usually read The Star Metro. But for some reason, I read it today. And you asked about the buskers today. What a coincidence!"
This has got to be a sign. Of what, I’m not sure. Maybe that I should go busking soon.
Part Three
We had just finished mamak after CG. The naan and creamy mint sauce had been great. There was a soft, cool breeze blowing, against a purple sky that bore a sore reminder of the haze. Syn Yan and I were nearing the car, when suddenly, something didn’t sound quite right.
That’s when my primordial senses kicked in.
"Shit!!!" I panicked, immediately fleeing the paved walkway.
And indeed, looking up, then down, I saw that dozens of birds in the trees above were dropping runny poo en masse. I don’t know if they were doing it unconsciously while sleeping. But some were squawking and moving about, as the gentle ploop, ploop, ploop, ploop, ploop continued.
And that’s when I realised that I was looking at the wrong car. My car, a few steps back, was safely away from the scene of destruction. I heaved a sigh of relief and fascination. This was such a weirdly cool day.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
The Loveliest Ice Cube
The Holiest Bug
Braid Story

All in all, my hair grew about 3 inches in 3 months. (The braid started off with about a one-inch gap from the scalp.) I think the part pulled by the braid grew faster too cos of the additional weight, but that's just my theory.
The most common question encountered was, "How do you wash your hair?" Haiyah, simple lah, you just wash it like normal and make sure you don't pull at the ends.
Well, it was fun and cool having a braid while it lasted. I thought I would have it on for longer but my hair obviously outgrew my ambitions. Thanks a bunch, Wern. You rock, and so does your hair braid!