Sunday, June 18, 2006

I. Have. Arrived

I have arrived. The journey was boring but I learnt:

i) How to pull out the TV screen when there's no seat in front of you - this, not without some embarrassment
ii) How to pull out the food tray on a Qantas plane when there is no seat in front of you

There were so many movies I wanted to watch but I only managed to catch two (Joyeux Noel and Transamerica). After that my ears hurt from the pariah earbuds and mild nausea was beginning to set in. It also wasn't very fun squinting into a five-inch screen amid failing light.

Here are some pictures from the KL-Singapore leg. Boy, they're so interesting!

A window seat

Wing, not drumstick


Rachel Chew said...

i miss you so much... *sob*
i msged your google but your friend said that you were sleeping (at about 1pm aussie time?). such a pig :P
no, i didn't hug your pillow - yet. and i didn't fart on your chair. but don't worry, chris will do that for you.
glad you arrived safely! rayson wanted to wish you goodbye but by that time, you were already on the plane.

p/s: remember the pens! :)

Rachel Chew said...

p/p/s: i just found out they're called floaty pens

Voon said...

wah.. cool pic! The plane must've been really empty for you to be able to hop from one seat to another =P (or was it the same seat? Just guessin)

a passing cloud said...

Voon, you're right. The plane WAS pretty empty. Good detective work, sergeant.